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21 May 2018

Police Who Killed Woman At City Park Identified

A report by Parklands OCS Chief Inspector Moses Shikuku on Monday revealed that the police officers who shot a woman at Nairobi's City Park were attached to Makadara AP post and Industrial Area police station respectively.

William Kipkorir Chirchir and Godfrey Kipngetich Kirui are said to have fired four and seven bullets, respectively, from their AK47 rifles, killing Ms Janet Wangui Waiyaki and injuring Mr Benard Chege during the10 am incident.

It is also alleged that the two victims were half-naked when police went to check on them.

Questions have been raised as to why the officers were patrolling in Parklands- an area under the jurisdiction of Parklands Police Station.

The report further states that Kipchirchr and Kirui were informed of a suspicious car in the park by one Eustance Mureithi.

“The guard alerted the officers that there was a suspicious motor vehicle parked within the park. The officers went and found a Toyota Fielder KBX 515 H parked in the forested area with all tinted windows closed.

“They knocked on the tinted windows but there was no response and all of a sudden, the motor vehicle sped off towards the road," read the statement in part.

It is at this point when the officers were prompted to shoot.

After the car stalled a few meters away, the two occupants were removed and taken to the hospital where the woman died while being attended to.

The deceased had informed police and hospital attendants to contact her relatives before she passed away.

The incident drew a lot of criticism from Kenyans who faulted police for ending the life of an innocent person.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To kenyans.co.ke, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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