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6 Jun 2018

Gov't Officer Mistakenly Shot 6 Times At Governor's Office

Martin Muchangi, Embu County driver shot dead by AP police

Police on Tuesday night shot dead a man identified as Martin Muchangi, who is said to be a fire engine driver at Embu County, when he was entering the governor’s office.

The Star on Wednesday reported that Mr Muchangi had allegedly failed to identify himself to the Administrative Police officers who were manning the governor’s offices at night.
Muchangi died on the spot after he was shot six times. The officers said they saw him enter the compound through an opening in the perimeter wall at around 2am on Monday night.
The police are said to have realised his identify as a county employee at the time he was already dead.

Embu West AP commandant Daudi Mohamed, who confirmed the unfortunate incident, said that the dead officer was set to be on standby duty at the offices.
playEmbu West Sub-County AP Police Boss Daudi Mohammed (center) chatting with other AP senior officers at his office May 5 2018 (Courtesy)

“He had gone out of the compound without alerting the officers and was on his way back when he met his end,” he said.

Heavy rains

It was drizzling and Muchangi had covered his head with a cloth, making it difficult to identify him, he said.
Mohamed absolved the officers of blame, saying they unsuccessfully tried their best to have Muchangi surrender and identify himself. The heavy rains, he added, hindered communication between the two.
They did not know whether the ‘intruder’ had a sinister motive, Mohamed said.
He urged the staff at the offices to inform the officers whenever they leave and return so such an “unfortunate incident does not recur”

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