Fly 540’s Cesna C208 craft, registration number 5Y-CAC, left a Kitale airstrip in Trans-Nzoia County at 1605 hours for Nairobi when it lost contact with control tower at 1720 hours Tuesday at Kinangop, Aberdares.
The aircraft had 10 people on board, that is 8 passengers and 2 crew members.
Among the crew members was pilot Barbra Wangeci Kamau who just started her career as a Pilot recently. She went to flight school before proceeding to graduate school at the United States International University- Africa with a degree in Information System Technology in 2014.
She was piloting with First Officer, Jean Mureithi when the unfortunate incident took place.
The condition of the eight passengers and crew remains unknown. An information centre has however been set up at the Weston Hotel, Nairobi.
Elsewhere, a Red Cross vehicle ferrying a team headed to join search for the missing FlySax plane has collided head-on with a lorry. Victims have been rushed to JM Kariuki Memorial Hospital in Ol Kalou.
Here are the photos