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19 Jun 2018

Impregnating Disabled Women To Soon Be Punishable By Law

A punitive bill by nominated Member of Parliament (MP) David ole Sankok may soon see men who impregnate disabled women face the law.

According to the legislator, it was disheartening to see women with different types of disabilities struggling with their children in the streets while the fathers of the kids are busy enjoying life.

The said law will protect the mentally challenged, blind and physically challenged who are more often unable to defend themselves with the impregnation of this category of women equated to rape.

The Sexual Offences Act stipulates that upon conviction of rape "one is liable to imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years but which may be enhanced to imprisonment for life."

"Majority of disabled women you see in the streets and villages are not married but you find them with over five children.

"When you try to inquire about the father of the children, you are told he fled leaving the woman with the burden," Sankok noted.

Sankok noted that the bill will be seeking to ensure that those who impregnate disabled women and fail to take responsibility for the children's upkeep will face the legal consequences.

The MP, who Represents Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), further noted that the bill seeks to cushion the disabled women from the sex predators warning that the days for such days were over.

A Kenya National Survey on Persons with Disabilities (KNSPWD) report that only 16 percent of women with disabilities aged between ages of 12 to 49 use some any form of family planning.

This may partially explain the influx of street families that have seen Governor Mike Sonko move in to restore sanity with reports of increased insecurity linked to the street urchins.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To Kenyans, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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