Controversial political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has sent a warning to President Uhuru Kenyatta following his recent zeal to fight corruption in the country.
In his analysis titled: Is Uhuru Corrupt? Are they Targeting Him, Mr. Ngunyi opined that Mr. Kenyatta was being led to a trap that could lead to his impeachment.
"Someone has set up Uhuru for failure on this corruption war and an impeachment could be the next step," he said.
According to the analyst the Head of State was being irrational in his hard stance against corruption. Instead, he called on Kenyatta to be patient and make calculated steps in fighting the vice.
Mr. Ngunyi further cautioned the President to avoid acting out of public pressure.
"If Uhuru had a good priest he would have told him two truths about corruption. He would have told him that in public affairs it is better to be right than righteous.
"The genuine priest would have told him that instead of leading a nation, Uhuru is being led by the Nation because he is impatient on this war on corruption," he mentiones.
The political analyst went on to disagree on the use of polygraph to vet public procurement and accounting officer noting that it will come back to bite him (Kenyatta) and his Deputy President William Ruto.
"If he uses it on public officers the public will also demand that the lie detector is used on him and his deputy as they do the lifestyle audit," he said.