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9 Nov 2017

Meet The Beautiful Wife Of The Late Nyeri Governor And Their Children [Photos]

Behind every successful man is a strong woman.

For the late Nyeri Governor Wahome Gakuru, that woman was Catherine Wahome.

Catherine was the pillar whom Gakuru relied on for support throughout their marriage until the sudden and tragic demise of the governor earlier this week from a fatal road accident.

The two were blessed with three sons.

Catherine herself matched her husband's impressive education and experience.

Catherine holds a Masters in Phoilosophy from the University of Cambridge in England.

She also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Business Administration at the University of Nairobi and a B Comm (First Class Honors), Bachelor of Commerce, Business Administration from the Kenyatta University.

She has had a sterling career having worked for global brands such as Deloitte and Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC).

Catherine boasts over 20 years rich experience in Human Resource Management and Leadership Development in leading multinationals including Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) and Deloitte where she was an Associate Director.

Her skills and specialties include Strategy Development, Leadership Development, Talent Management, Performance & Compensation Management, Learning & Development, HR Administration, Coaching, Succession Management.
Currently she is the Director at Coach Development Institute of Africa (CDI-Africa) Ltd.

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