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9 Nov 2017

Prophet Gets Stuck Inside A Married Woman During A ‘Miracle Session’,Video Emerges.

A pair of cheating lovers were publicly shamed after getting stuck together whilst having se_x and being forced to shout for help.When asked, the prophet left the crowd in stitches after he insisted that he was actually perfoming a ‘miracle’ on the married woman since she was barren.

The amorous couple were caught in the middle of an intimate tryst in Limpopo yesterday.The adulterous couple got stuck during a romp after the woman’s husband ‘got a witch doctor to curse her geni_tals

But the man suddenly found himself unable to detach from his partner.Unable to control the pain that came with their embarrassing situation, both let out loud yells that attracted the neighbours.

A crowd milled around the house and the two were carried outside on a sheet as more and more people gathered to see the shamed lovers, still locked together and draped only in more sheets.

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