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17 May 2018

CCTV Captures City Thief Breaking Into Car And Stealing Valuables

The height of insecurity in Nairobi and its environs has once again been exposed through a viral CCTV footage of a brazen robbery incident in Kikuyu Town.

The footage captured a middle-aged man breaking into a parked Saloon car and stealing valuables. The incident happened on Tuesday evening after a female motorist had parked her car near Tai’s Chicken.

In the footage, shared on Facebook by Ndungu Nyoro, the suspect is seen pretending to be receiving a call as he paces around the vehicle as if to make sure no one was watching.

”At some point the vehicle owner emerged and walking to a different destination in the opposite direction but failed to notice someone targeting her car. The smartly dressed fellow stood still nothing betraying his intentions,” narrated Nyoro.

Armed with what is said to be a master key, the thug opened the front door and in a fraction of a second accessed the back door and unlocked it.

“He put the laptop bag on his back and walked away as if nothing happened. Upon realizing no one had noticed, he walked back few minutes later, opened the back door and took away the handbag and other valuable items,” added Nyoro.

The incident has since been reported to the police and the footage is being used to assist in identifying the suspect.

Watch below.

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