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17 May 2018

Drama In Westlands After Indian Lady Allegedly Calls Kenyans ‘Black Monkeys'(Video)

Drama in Westlands after Indian lady allegedly calls Kenyans 'Black Monkeys'(video) 

There was drama at Westslands yesterday after a bitter argument between an Indian lady and two Kenyans after the lady allegedly called the them black monkey.

A video has been doing rounds on social media showing the argument which the lady in a white car is seen in the argument before speeding off.

According to witness, the lady who was in the white Mitsubishi Outlander Registration KCM 531F called a man and a woman black Monkeys at OilLibya Westlands.

“Yesterday on 14/05/2018 at OilLibya Westlands, an Indian lady in a Mitsubishi Outlander Registration KCM 531F called a lady and a man who were in her way -“ Black Monkeys”. It’s very unfortunate that the watchmen at the petrol station were defending the lady.” a video was posted online.

Watch the video below:

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