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6 Dec 2017

The 1 Thing Ocampo Regrets After Uhuru’s Case Collapsed

Former ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo revealed he was saddened that he was unable to bring to justice those who perpetrated the 2007/2008 violence in Kenya.

In statement from the former Prosecutor, he asserted that he was willing to corperate with various bodies to deal with the case but they failed to stand by the truth.

"I felt so sad for victims who trusted us, like a woman in Kenya who lost everything and had hopes in our intervention," Mr. Ocampo regretted.

Ocampo was responding to claims that he tampered with the cases involving President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP William,which were eventually thrown out by the court.

According to Ocampo, he was a victim of cyber bullying from an agency that was using journalists to taint his image and that of the court.

"It is a campaign of character assassination aiming to infect the entire court and its officers. I should not transform it to a personal battle" he stated.

Earlier on,a French investigative website,Media Part, had obtained over 40,000 documents on the case,claiming that Mr. Ocampo had a hand in the ruling of President Kenyatta's case.

The report claim that Ocampo worked behind the scenes in the termination of the cases involving the two Kenyan leaders.

The online publication stated Mr Ocampo advised one of the lawyers to denounce Kenya’s lack of cooperation and request a postponement of the case.

In 2014 December, President Kenyatta and his deputy's cases were withdrawn for lack of evidence blaming it on lack of cooperation by the Kenyan Government.

However, Kenya's Attorney-General at the time, brushed off the claims urging ICC to stop showing contempt for Kenya's judicial order.

He also asked the current prosecutor, Ms. Fatou Bensouda to show Kenya mutual respect, professional recognition and realise that it is not a failed state.

Mr Ocampo is blamed for interfering with the case despite leaving the court in June 2012.

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