Who knew men the age of my father can be so energetic?
A Nairobi slay queen has come out to narrate her experience
at the hands of an elderly gentleman whom she thought she could make her
sponsor only to find out mzee was only going to pump and dump. Boys
will be boys I guess.
The lady whose Facebook names are Ann Wothaya, tells us
about how a an elderly gentleman had been pursuing her for quite some time. She
had been resisting his advances until the point at which she realized she was
in for a terrible month and rent was long overdue.
So she did what any other lady in her predicament would, she
went after the moneyed ancestor. And she thought the rules of engagement were
going to ensure fair play -you eat me, I eat your money. Instead, she when the
lights were turned off and the old geezer was turned on, she had a grueling 5
rounds that she thought she’d only get from a youngin.
Let her tell her own story: