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29 May 2018

Diamond speaks on asking Zari for forgiveness

Diamond Platnumz with Zari, his son Nillan and mother Sandrah. Diamond speaks on asking Zari for forgiveness

Music sensation Diamond Platnumz has finally spoken on asking his estranged baby mama Zari Hassan for forgiveness.

In an interview with a local website in Tanzania, Diamond said that it is true he has been visiting Zari’s house in South Africa but he has not asked her for forgiveness.
playDiamond speaks on asking Zari for forgiveness (Instagram)

Hao wanaosema kwamba sijui nimemuangukia , nafikiri itakuwa ni maoni yao tu na stori za kutunga lakini kimsingi ni kwamba hayana ukweli wowote, Zari ni mama wa watoto wangu na itabaki kuwa hivyo,” he said.
He added that the said secret visits to South Africa is because he goes to see his children Tiffah and Nillan.
Ni kweli ninaenda. Siyo mara moja au mara mbili nimeenda. Nakwenda kule si kwa maana ya kumuomba msamaha, hapana. Nakwenda kule kwa ajili ya kuwaona wanangu. Haiwezekani eti niwe natuma fedha za matumizi halafu nimeenda Sauz nisiende kuwaona wanangu, hilo litakuwa jambo la ajabu sana” said Diamond as he spoke to Global Publishers.
playZari Hassan. Diamond speaks on asking Zari for forgiveness (Instagram)

Diamond’s words came after reports made rounds on social media that he has been secretly visiting Zari’s house in South Africa to ask the mother of his two children for forgiveness.


Zari Hassan dumped Diamond Platnumz on Valentine’s Day citing various cheating allegations.
“Understand that this is very difficult for me to do. There have been multiple rumors some with evidence floating around in ALL SORTS of media in regards to Diamond’s constant cheating and sadly I have decided to end my relationship with Diamond, as my RESPECT, INTEGRITY, DIGNITY & WELL BEING cannot be compromised.
playZari Hassan with Diamond. Diamond speaks on asking Zari for forgiveness (Instagram)

We are separating as partners but not as parents. This doesn’t reduce me as a self-made individual, and as a caring mother, and the boss lady you have all come to know.  I will continue to build as a mogul, I will inspire the world of women to become boss ladies too. I will teach my four sons to always respect women, and teach my daughter what self-respect means. Unlike many, I’ve been in the entertainment industry for 12 years, and through all my challenges I came out a victor because I am a winner, and so are all of you Zari supporters. HAPPY VALENTINE'S,”  read Zari’s post.

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